Graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Jagiellonian University in 2005. In 2009 passed the national legal counsel examination [bar exam]. Working with the BFP law firm from the very beginning, and currently, since 2016, as a junior partner. Vice – dean of the District Chamber of Legal Counsels in Kraków.
Handling personal injury cases, including those concerning medical negligence, was not my childhood dream. I have not become a personal injury lawyer for the sake of any grand ideas. None of my family members were doctors, and as I was rarely ill, the only time when I saw a hospital was on TV.
Yes, it was a bit of a fortuity, but looking back I can tell that it was the kind of hap that leads to destiny. When over a dozen years ago I started – still as a student – working for the same law firm I am currently a part of, I received the files of my first medical negligence case – and this world drew me in instantly!
Today I cannot imagine myself doing anything else. Now I can be proud of a remarkable record of successfully closed cases, a great deal of claims in progress, many clients who I am still in touch with even after all the work has been completed – and on top of that: a column of shelves in my bookcase, intended solely for books on the history of medicine.
Paradoxically, what I do makes me appreciate the immensely difficult work of doctors even more, and medicine has become my passion (although certainly unreciprocated…). I nurture a belief that may be naive, but is not entirely invalid – a belief that since we all learn from our mistakes, I can make a contribution to the process of preventing them, and that is by helping our clients obtain satisfactory compensation for medical negligence.