Medical services may qualify as travel services supplied to a traveller within the meaning of the Polish Act on Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements. This raises a question of distribution of liability for the quality of medical services provided by healthcare entities. Who can be held responsible for medical malpractice when the medical service is provided within the framework of a package travel or when it has been purchased by a patient as a linked travel arrangement? How to ensure safety of medical tourism market participants without losing sight of what is most important – the safety and comfort of the patient-traveller? A team of the BFP attorneys – Atty. Dorota Kulig, Atty. Jolanta Budzowska and Atty. Michał Sikora - offered answers to these questions during their speech delivered as part of the Congress: “Legal responsibility for services provided in the scope of medical tourism in view of the Act on Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements of 2017”.