Budzowska Fiutowski and Partners has been included in the list of firms that have been awarded the status of implementing the so-called good practices. This will be shown in the official report “Responsible Business in Poland 2013. Good practices” which will be published and officially announced during CSR Fairs on April 1, 2014. Good practices of BFP which were officially declared were the activities for Jasiek Mela Foundation BEYOND HORIZONS, consisting in the support and legal assistance for the Foundation and its beneficiaries.
BFP supports Jasiek Mela Foundation BEYOND HORIZONS and its beneficiaries by providing ongoing pro bono legal assistance. Our law firm prepares draft agreements, develops draft rules of competitions, deals with the analysis of legal issues, including tax and insurance, as well as it draws up the drafts of tax exemption applications, which is of particular importance for the Foundation’s beneficiaries.
2013 leading project of the Foundation that BFP law firm was actively involved in was the organisation of a series of Business Runs. The income from Kraków Business Run event where BFP participated, was intended for the purchase of prosthetic legs for disabled Agnieszka.
Other pro bono activities of BFP law firm include:
- legal assistance rendered to the Association of Social Educational Society District No. 64 in Kraków (http://www.sto64.krakow.pl/),
- legal assistance rendered to the Association of School Sport and Tourism Club Glosator in Kraków
- legal assistance rendered to the Patients Association Primum Non Nocere in Warsaw
- providing legal advice for the patients registered in the internet discussion panel held by the latter Association (http://www.sppnn.org.pl/forum/phpBB3/).
In addition, the partners in BFP law firm have been actively engaged in the activity of the Foundation Between Heaven and Earth in Wrocław. In particular, they personally take part in the projects launched by the Foundation and assist at the auctions organized by it (http://www.miedzyniebemaziemia.pl/).
The law firm’s pro bono activity corresponds with BFP vision which reads: “To be a law firm worthy of dealing with its Clients’ most important issues”. BFP believes that helping those in need stands for implementing the law firm’s values namely: INTEGRITY, INVOLVEMENT and COURAGE.