PEOPIL [Pan-European Organisation of Personal Injury Lawyers] hosted a Conference on the issues of medical negligence and tourism, which was held on 15 November in Lisbon.
The speakers focused on the issue of the claims of the patients travelling in order to receive medical treatment outside their country of residence. Matthew Chapman, a barrister, in his opening speech analysed the difficulty in choosing the applicable law and jurisdiction.
Two physicians, bariatric surgeon and plastic surgeon, examined the cases of the most common post-operative complications and the possibility of proving negligence in medical treatment.
In the analysis of case studies, the lawyers from the UK (Mandy Luckman, Irwin Mitchell), South Africa (Tzvi Brivik, Malcolm Lyons & Brivik Inc), Poland (Jolanta Budzowska, Budzowska Fiutowski and Partners), the Czech Republic (Marie Cilinkowa and Klara Havlickova ), Germany (Christine Proemmel), Belgium (Herman Naeyaert, NCD Law Antwerp) and France (Frank Benham, ETIC Sas, Marseille) discussed the procedure and the possibilities of pursuing the claims of the patients who have become victims of medical negligence abroad.
The Conference was attended by three representatives of Budzowska Fiutowski and Partners, namely Att. Jolanta Budzowska, Partner, Att. Małgorzata Kiełtyka and Ms. Gabriela Nadybska.