In January 2012 Mr. Benedykt Fiutowski participated in an interesting research project devoted to the issue of European contract law. The aim of the project was to consult the lawyers who are actively involved in conducting cross-border disputes, and thus, to obtain their opinion on the development of the European contract law and to verify the experience regarding the need to harmonize legislation in this field. Due to the fact that the European Commission aims to improve cross-border transactions within the European Union, the subject of the consultation with the law firm Budzowska Fiutowski and Partners. Legal Counsels focused on the improvement of the quality and consistency of EU contract law by establishing a common framework which would provide a reference point for the European Union, including the principles, definitions and model rules to be applied in order to revise the existing EU legislation and develop new regulations in the field of contract law. Mr. Benedykt Fiutowski discussed, inter alia, the issue of the choice of applicable law in cross-border transactions and the application of the available instruments of the European contract law and their effectiveness in eliminating the negative effects arising from differences in existing national provisions. The consultations have been approved by the University of Oxford and they are financially supported by the Nuffield Foundation, a politically independent organization that promotes research in the field of social sciences.